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    Going Supernova

    Story:While enjoying a spicy Islarian noodle dish, you overhear from the next table that things are going well in the fight against Eradikus. Then they mention rumors that the cyborg has worked up a scheme to destroy the sun! Really?! And just that quick, it’s dismissed. However, the next day you get a coded message from the Resistance to meet. At the rendezvous, your handler confirms that agents on Eradikus’ ship indicate there is some substance to the rumors - Eradikus is planning to destroy the sun! Apparently some scientists and pirates are believers in his warped greedy mindset, but not all. Since you are the most proficient getting on board, he asks you to investigate and, if needed, eliminate the threat.What choice do you have? 6 Inhabited plants, billions of lives, it’s unimaginable. And, well, another crack at those secrets on the ship, ‘that’, I can imagine.You're in! 

    Mission Briefing First Priority: Learn everything you can about Eradikus’ plan to destroy the sun! Your best bet is to make contact with the asset on board as soon as you get in. Hack two consoles to get the code to enter the command module. Acquire an artifact. Get to an escape pod.

  • Setup and Rule Changes

    Please follow the directions:

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    #1 Engineering
    #2 Doomsday Cannon

    #3 Promenade

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    Major Secrets

    1. Remove the 3 'Ship Plans' tokens from the Major Secrets tokens and mix the rest up.

    2. Place 2 Major Secrets in the cargo bay and 1 Major Secret on the spot above the 30 point artifact.

    3. Mix the 3 Ship Plans back in and fill in the rest of the locations.

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    Boss Marker

    Place the Boss marker on the first (or lowest) 3 cube position.

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    Put a purple cube in the Cargo Bay on the square shown.

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    Use Blue pieces to play.


    1 black cube

    1 orange cube

    1 purple cube

    7 white cubes

    place them in a separate draw bag. These will be used after encountering the purple cube above.


    (If you wish to play another color you will have to remap the colors as you play.)

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    Put 3 of your cubes in the Clank area.
    Pull 5 black cubes out of the Boss bag and put them in the box. (These do not come back into play when Space Pirate arrives, or any other card that affects black cubes.)

    If you want to make it more difficult, put additional black cubes back in the box.

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    Remove the below cards from the Character Deck. Then pull them them out later as indicated in the game:
    1 - Account Hack

    1 - Acoustic Spanner
    1 - Door Hack

    1 - Jidu Laser Sword

    1 - Light Scooter

    1 - Lord Eradikus

    1 - Power Boots

    1 - Power Converter

    1 - Registry Hack
    1 - Renegade Hacker

    1 - Shred Bot

    1 - Thunder Bug 1701

    1 - Underworld Contact

    1 - Vault Guard

    1 - Wound-Be-Gone

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    End of Turn

    After you replace the cards in the Adventure row for your turn and handle Boss attacks, you will roll dice to act as a second player who normally would buy cards and trigger attacks. Follow normal rules for Boss and Arrive.


    Select one of the dice options ranking easy to hard:

    1. ) Roll one eight sided dice: Remove the corresponding card 1-6 in the Adventure row. If you roll a 7 remove a FAZR or 8 remove a Boldly Go. After the 2nd hack, roll two dice and remove 2 cards.


    2. ) Roll two six sided dice: and add them together.

    • If 2-6, Remove the corresponding card in the Adventure row

    • TIP: Place the next two at end of adventure row

    • If 7, Remove Boldly Go

    • If 8, Remove FAZR

    • If 9-12, Remove two cards based on each dice number (1-6)

    • After the 2nd hack, remove two cards based on each dice number (1-6)


    3. ) Roll two eight sided dice: Remove the corresponding card 2-6 in the Adventure row. If you roll a 7 remove a FAZR or 8 remove a Boldly Go.


    4. ) Roll two six sided dice: Remove the two corresponding cards 1-6 in the Adventure row.


    If both dice roll the same number, remove only one card.


    When Enemy cards are removed, nothing on the card happens.


    TIP: Place the dice on your draw deck as a reminder to roll.


    Additionally, you may spend 6 skill to avoid rolling the dice.

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    Sonic Grenade

    Use only once as 3 swords. You can save it to play on another turn.

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    Do NOT move the boss marker up one. Only score 3 victory points.

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    Background Music

    Optional background music: Benjamin Pinkerton's Original Soundtracks





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    Additions to the standard rules

    Get familiar with all the events on the menu.

    When that event happens, read just that event and follow the directions.

    Stop here.
    Don't scroll down any further.
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    Encounter Purple Cube 'Underground Contact' in Cargo Bay


    After teleporting through a variance in the rear shield, you find yourself in the superstructure of the ship. You cautiously make your way out to the cargo bay. You are met by a tall green imposing figure. He smiles, “Welcome aboard friend!” and shakes your hand, grasping it with 2 hands and then placing his other 2 hands on your shoulders. A formal sign of complete acceptance by his culture and no doubt a signal to someone watching.


    “Thanks for that! I’m glad you’re on my side.”

    “My name is Eiloudri[Click]newy[Pop-slur]kuff”


    "Ed" takes you to a discrete corner. He tells you that a mad scientist helped to create and install a device to trigger a cascading effect in the sun. He says that you will need to find a copy of the ship’s plans. It will show where it's installed and hopefully how to disable it. Ed has already searched the terminals in the cargo bay and the plans are not accessible here.


    As Ed looks over his shoulder, he explains that he also does some nighttime ‘trading’ of goods. He showcases the 4 items he has in stock to help you in your mission. You can pick one to take with you.


    ”And if you would like me to help you get around, I’ve got connections.”

    “Oh yeah? Can you connect me up with a spicy dish of...”


    Game Action:

    Pull the following 5 cards out:
    (Select 1 of 4 for free)

    1 - Acoustic Spanner

    1 - Laser Sword

    1 - Power Boots
    1 - Thunder Bug 1701


    (Acquire for 3 skill)

    1 - Underworld Contact


    Choose one of the first four cards for free. It will be with you throughout the game. Do not discard it; it acts like a sixth card which you may choose to use, or not, each turn.

    Additionally, you can acquire Underworld Contact as a one-time opportunity by paying its cost as if it were in the adventure row for 3 skill, and placing it in your discard pile.


    After you decide, remove the remaining cards and purple cube from the game.


    From this point forward, starting with your next turn, pull one cube at the beginning of your turn from the 2nd draw bag until all 3 color cubes are drawn.

    If it is a white cube, nothing happens. See the menu if the black, purple, or orange, cube is pulled.


    It will be helpful to place things in the order you will need to do them:

    1. 2nd Draw bag

    2. Play area

    3. Dice

    4. Boss bag

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    Pull Black Cube


    Moving through the ship, you cross paths with an old competitor, Nicholas. The last time you worked together, it didn't go according to plan. You were never sure if that was his doing or just the turn of events.


    He is pleasant, yet distant. You catch up briefly, revealing only basic information. You invite him to try out the new Islarian eatery with you, but he declines. You both go your separate ways on good terms.


    A short time later, he alerts Eradicus' Security to your presence on the ship. He doesn't reveal your location, but instead gives just a description of you.


    Drones are deployed via the telepads to seek you out. Eventually, video feeds make a partial match to your appearance and the drones start homing in on your position.



    Put the 5 black cubes you originally removed from the Boss bag on each of the telepad spaces.


    Game action:

    Move the Boss marker up one on the rage track.

    If Eradikus is already at the top of the rage track when this happens, go to Reveal 5. Then come back here to finish.


    At the beginning of each turn, starting with your next turn, move the drones 3 spaces toward your location following the shortest distance. Then pull cubes from the 2nd draw bag.


    They do not:

    - Use the telepads or the hyper lift. They move through them only as a normal room.

    - Stop at security checkpoints.

    - Need 2 boots to move between rooms.


    For each drone in your room you will need to defeat it before leaving that room with one sword.

    If you do, put the defeated black cube into the Boss bag.

    If you do not, remove the cube from the game, and put a blue cube on your health meter.


    Put the black cube you drew from the 2nd bag into the Boss bag.


    In review, the order of steps would now be:

    1. Move drone cubes

    2. Pull from 2nd Draw bag

    3. Play your hand

    4. Roll the dice to remove a card from the Adventure Row

    5. Pull from the Boss bag if needed






















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    Pull Purple Cube


    "Ed mentioned he would have something else I could use around here. Let's see. Ah, a Light Scooter! It's an older model, but hey! that will work." You can move around a bit quicker if you have the skill to learn how to not drive it into a wall.


    Game action:
    Place the purple cube in this room. From this room only you may pay 5 skill to claim the Light Scooter card, apply its acquire bonus and put it in your discard pile.


    Once obtained, remove the purple cube from the game.


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    Pull Orange Cube


    In your search for data you find a terminal already in use by a wildly arranged red haired girl. Being a hacker yourself, it doesn't take long to see that she's up to something. You stealthy approach from around the corner in her blind spot. While a group's noisy laughter across the way distracts her attention, you glance around the corner to see her uploading some subroutines into the core system. Making the full turn you surprise her and say, "Ya know, it helps if you disable the U.A. protocol first."


    Stunned and speechless, she blinks rapidly trying to process what's happening. Eventually she replies, "Thaaaaank you?" as she flips screens to implement your suggestion.


    You see the code tagged with her hacker alias and reassuringly say, "Your welcome, Yoleen", which promptly triggers another round of blinking.


    "I take whatever help I can get to stop this insanity."

    "You are referring to this business with the sun?"


    Reaching over her shoulder you press the button to execute her scripts and say, "I think we are on the same team."

    "Are you close to stopping it? I'll code whatever you need."


    Game action:
    Take out the following cards and place them above the board.

    1 - Renegade Hacker

    1 - Registry Hack

    1 - Account Hack
    1 - Door Hack


    Place an orange cube in this room. Anytime you are in the room, you can purchase the 3 program cards.

    You also get the benefits of having the Renegade Hacker's 2 skill, faction, and ability once per turn when there.


    Move the Boss marker up one on the rage track. (Some alerts are tripped by the scripts.)


    If Eradikus is already at the top of the rage track when this happens, go to Reveal 5.

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    Find Ship Plans


    Thus far your hacking skills haven't yielded any results, and you wonder whether you’ll ever learn anything about Eradikus’ plan to destroy the sun.


    You see a technician wearing a high-ranking insignia, sitting alone, seemingly distracted. Sitting down next to him you say, "Hello! Maybe you can help me, I was trying to decide where’s the best place to eat. I'm stuck trying to make a decision."


    "Oh, I might not be the right person to ask. My decisions are no good." As the conversation ensues you listen and ask searching questions. Like a tipped water can, his guilt of being part of Eradikus' scheme pours out. You realize that he was used like a pawn. Tricked into working on the project and then learned that it will be used to destroy the system.


    You pause thoughtfully and then say, “What If I could undo what you did? You would be free from guilt, right?”

    “What do you mean? How...” he pauses, thinks, and then cautiously asks, “Why would you? Are you about defending life or collecting credits?"


    Game action:

    Take out the Wound-Be-Gone card and place it on the adventure row as a 7th card. It will not be replaced once obtained.


    If you answer Credits go to Reveal 1

    If you answer Life go to Reveal 3


    There are no further actions for additional ship plans found. Just score the points.























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    Hack 1st Terminal


    You jack into the system and find the crystal memory storage has a little known vulnerability. You bypass the interface GUI and gain direct access. "Hummmm...", a backdoor to the system wouldn't hurt. So you upload some handcrafted rootkits. And a smiling to yourself you add just a little something special. It's a video advertisement for the new Islarian eatery featuring our very own ship captain, Eradikus. "This should cover my tip next time I'm there!"


    The extracted code for this rotation is 8647-7524-0053.


    Game action:

    Move the Boss marker up one.

























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    Hack 2nd Terminal


    Using your back door routine, you bypass security and gain direct access again. Shinny! This matching rotating code is 1492-8831-9523.


    However, the system detects that the complete code has now been accessed. An warning log entry is made noting it as an irregularity in the Security system.


    Game action:

    Move the Boss marker up one.


    If your dice rolling option is 1 or 2, start removing 2 cards from the Adventure row.

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    Acquire an Artifact


    "The command section is always so much nicer than the rest of the ship! I need to spend more time up here. Unfortunately time is not what I have a lot of." This little side trip is going to put you behind schedule. But hey, you make your own schedule!


    From your hacks and data scans, it's really the absence of information on parts of the ship that tells you where to start looking. The moment you see the door, you know you are in the right place. Reclaiming stolen artifacts for their original owners always pays nicely and there's usually a free meal involved!


    Game action:

    Move the Boss marker up one on the rage track.

    If Eradikus is already at the top of the rage track when this happens, go to Reveal 5.




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    Reveal 1


    You say "I'm in it for the money!"

    He says, "That's an honest answer. I respect that... Getting paid is a powerful motivator."


    You explain that it's not only credits, but saving the lives of everyone in the system that's important to you. Then it hits him. He realizes that you know about the scheme. It’s in that moment, he flips to your side.

    He accesses the ship plans and shows them to you. He says that a power converter was modified to use quantum material. He explains that quantum material is used in the teleporters but is also the doorway to alternate universes, to which you reply, "Huh? Start over."

    "There are parallel universes or dimensions where we have made alternate choices causing a slightly different reality than our own. Energy generated by quantum material can theoretically be used to unlock and open that door."


    He continues saying that the power converter feeds the energy circuit going to the ship's cannon. The cannon then injects unstable particles into the sun. Due to the nature of quantum physics, the sun's matter will search out and link or entangle itself with a sun in an alternate universe. Both would then become unstable and go Supernova.


    He points out the location in Engineering, shown on the ship plan. "There is a secret section off the security checkpoint. Here are the security codes to access it." He then explains the steps to disable the power converter.


    Game Action:

    Move the Boss marker up one on the rage track. The ship plans had an audit bit set and triggers an alert.


    Place a white cube on the space shown as a reference to where you need to go.


    When you arrive at the Power Converter read Reveal 2.

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    Reveal 2


    Standing in front of an unassuming door, you enter the code. The panel turns green and you hear the bolts pull back into the walls.

    Stepping in you are greeted by a Vault Guard! He sounds the alarm and leaps into action.


    Game Action:

    Again, move the Boss marker up one on the rage track.

    If Eradikus is already at the top of the rage track when this happens, go to Reveal 5. Then come back here.


    Take out the following cards

    1 - Power Converter
    1 - Vault Guard


    You must defeat the Vault Guard immediately. If you do not have the swords, you take direct hits on your health meter. Place one blue cube for each sword you are missing. Defeat the guard and gain 5 credits.



    Story Continued:

    Now, on to the 23 steps to disable the device. You work through the commands and bypasses with precision. As you remove the panel revealing the quantum material, an energy field appears like a reflective water surface rippled by your magnetic tools. For a brief moment you see yourself as if in a mirror, but it’s not you. The background is different. He is hanging in the air? He is different, but yet, the same. He has the same recognition on his face as you. You both raise your right hand at the same time to wave. Oh, but wait, he still has the family ring you had to sell to survive. Suddenly, the field is disbursed. You try to shake it off and focus on the final 2 steps.


    Game Action:

    To disable the Power Converter you will need to spend either 5 swords, 6 skill, or have the Jidu Laser Sword card. You must stay in this room until this objective is complete. No benefits of the Power Converter card are gained, you've trashed it.

    When done, remove the white cube and cards from the game.



    Story Continued:

    After successfully disabling the Power Converter and glimpsing an alternate universe... you sigh with relief, wonder about what you saw, and resume your other objectives.


    Game Action:

    Alternate Adventure row:

    Replace any number of cards from the Adventure row.

    Do not roll the dice, since no cards will be removed this turn.

    No Boss attack is triggered this turn.

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    Reveal 3


    Without hesitation you say, "For Life, of course!" He sees the conviction and sincerity in your eyes. You explain that it's saving the lives of families, wildlife, and cultures in this system that's important to you.


    Looking away he says, "Family is important to me too."


    You follow up with, "What good are credits if you're dead." Then it hits him. He knows that you know Eradikus' endgame. It’s in that moment, he flips to your side.


    He accesses the ship plans and shows them to you. He says that a power converter was rigged to use quantum elements. He explains that quantum material is used in the teleporters but is also the doorway to alternate universes., to which you reply, "Wait, what??"

    "Quantum physics says there could be parallel universes or dimensions where we have made alternate choices causing a slightly different reality than our own. Energy generated by quantum material can theoretically be used as a key to unlock and open the door to those places."


    He continues saying that the power converter is fed directly into the ship's cannon, making it a weapon of mass destruction, a 'Doom's Day Cannon'. The cannon then injects unstable particles into the sun. The sun's matter will be drawn to a sun in an alternate universe. The matter from both suns would entangle, become unstable, and both will go Supernova.


    "Go to where the cannon is and find the power converter, shown on the ship plan. There is a hatch accessible between the telepad and security checkpoint. Here are the security codes to unlock the door."


    Game action:

    Treat the area where the power converter is shown on the map as a new room. Due to its precarious location in the super structure, it will require two boots to get in and out of it.


    Move the Boss marker up one on the rage track. The ship plans had an audit bit set and set off an alert.


    Place a white cube on the space shown as a reference of where you need to get to next.


    When you arrive at the Power Converter read Reveal 4.

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    Reveal 4


    In the observation corridor above the cannon, you see a service hatch to the maintenance ladder. You enter the codes and it pops open.

    You climb your way down to the section behind the cannon and see the shiny new converter at the base of the cannon.


    You miss a rung on the ladder and your gear clanks hard against the metal of the ship. Out of nowhere floats this defense bot the likes of which you've never seen before. It's got spinning blades! Who thinks up this stuff?! You see the red lights on it's neck go on, triggering an alarm. Then it heads straight toward you.


    Game Action:

    Again, move the Boss marker up one on the rage track.

    If Eradikus is already at the top of the rage track when this happens, go to Reveal 5. Then come back here.


    Take out the following cards

    1 - Power Converter

    1 - Shred Bot


    You must defeat the Shred bot immediately. If you do not have the swords, you take direct hits on your health meter to defeat the bot. Place one cube for each sword you are missing to defeat the guard. Once defeated, you may trash any card in your play area or discard pile as written.



    The 16 steps to disable the device are a lot harder than you thought it would be. Hanging upside down, you use magnets to bind yourself in place. You work through the commands and bypasses with precision though. As you remove the panel revealing the quantum material, an energy field appears like a reflective water surface rippled by your magnetic tools. For a brief moment you see yourself as if in a mirror, but it’s not you. He is in a room. He is different, but yet, he is you. He has the same recognition on his face as you do. You both raise your right hand at the same time to wave and you notice his family ring is missing. Suddenly, the field is disbursed. You have a hard time shaking it off but manage to get refocused on the final 2 steps.



    Game Action:

    To disable the Power Converter you will need to spend either 5 swords, 6 skill or have the Acoustic Spanner card. You must stay in this room until this objective is complete. No benefits of the Power Converter are gained, it's broken now.


    When done remove the white cube and cards from the game.



    Story Continued:

    After successfully disabling the Power Converter and glimpsing an alternate universe... you sigh with relief, wonder about what you saw, and climb your way back up to the corridor..



    Game Action:

    Alternate Adventure deck:

    Draw 6 cards from the adventure deck, discard any of them that you wish, and put the rest back on top of the deck in any order you wish.

    Do not roll the dice, since no cards will be removed this turn.

    No Boss attack is triggered this turn.

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    Reveal 5


    Being a Cyborg does have its advantages. Tracking information and having an immediate awareness when alerts are received. The limit for odd events has triggered an audit. He now turns his attention to videos matching the description of an anonymous security report. Since no one has been able to resolve the outstanding alert, he has to take matters into his own hands. "Unauthorized access, security alerts, old codes activated, and what is this?! A video of me eating some sloppy noodle dish?!" Immediately the Cyborg's CPU maxes out at 100% in what might be called anger. Eradikus leaves the command deck and starts tracking you!


    New Action and Rules:
    Take the Eradikus card out and place it above the game board.

    Move the Eradikus piece on the 25 point artifact room.

    While the Eradikus piece is on the board, Boss attack rules apply as usual, pulling 5 cubes. If and when Eradikus is defeated, return it to the top of the rage track.

    At the beginning of each turn, starting with your next turn, move the piece 4 moves closer to your piece following the shortest route to you, using the telepads and hyperlift. However, he does not stop at security checkpoints, need 2 boots between rooms, or get dizzy and have to stop.


    If Eradikus is in the same room you are at any point of your turn, follow the below rules:

    Spend 2 Swords + 2 Skill - You have defended yourself. Your health is safe, but Eradikus is still hunting you.

    Spend 4 Swords + 4 Skill - You have defeated Eradikus! Per the card, collect the 7 credits, and flip over the G0B-L1N card. Read Reveal 6.

    Not enough swords or skill - You are wounded while running away. Eradikus is still chasing you. Add one blue cube to your health meter.



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    Reveal 6 - "We meet at last!"


    Being a Cyborg does have its advantages, superior strength, real-time processing of data, redundant systems, titanium armor, etc. But it does have its disadvantages. Being mostly a machine, it's predictable. For example making loud clanking steps that can be heard all the way down the hall. But that doesn't stop the adrenaline response and the spike in your heart rate! He identifies you. His eyes turn red and he closes the distance between you two faster than expected.


    (If you have selected the Jidu Laser Sword, that is what you will use to defend yourself. If not, you have a telescopic staff that snaps into position when you swing it forward. This is the kind used by security guards that emit plasma energy for a brief time from the end.)


    You take your defensive stance and ready your weapon. You block the first series of blows. In the second attack he reaches for you. You take a couple of steps back forcing him to shift his weight and come forward. In that instance you lunge forward and plunge your weapon at his exposed knee joint. It bounces off making only a minimal burn through his armor but enough to expose and damage a single circuit.


    Now normally that would make no difference to a cybernetic. Minor damage triggers a quick level 8 diagnostics. However, when combined with a secret payload delivered by a video, well, that's a whole different story. The video advertisement that Eradikus downloaded into his system and viewed with his internal decoders dropped a little bit of unexpected data at the end of each video frame. Once combined together in memory, it formed your command which executed from inside Eradikus own CPU system. Since each program is isolated from the other, you knew it couldn't get to any key systems, but you could access say, the reporting or logging system. Implanting fake critical error entries for all key systems was just, genius. You smile every time you think of it. They would just be sitting there, waiting to be detected by a minor diagnosis routine.. Oh hey! like the one you just caused.


    Suddenly you hear every gear in his system spin down. "What! NoOoOoOoo..." as the last remaining power is diverted form Eradikus vocal processors to CPU intensive diagnostics.


    Once the entries were found, the system diagnostic routines would think everything went wrong. It devoted the entire system to trying to find the cause of the failures and fixing them. Only the most basic of sensors would be left online.


    "Aaaawe what happened? Too many spicy noodles got your CPU constipated?"


    You walk up to his quietly still frame, and mockingly wipe his chin, "Let me get that sauce off your chin there for ya."


    With all of his redundancy and backups, you don't have enough time to do any real damage to him. So you make the best kind of damage you know how. You reach up and knock on his titanium forehead saying, "I guess the human brain still spanks the clank out of your old CPU. See ya around, Erad-a-mess. ahem, I mean, E-mad-a-pus."


    Ouuuuuu. Dishing that out to a Cyborg with an inferiority complex, yeah, he won't be deleting that recording from his sensors anytime soon.


    With a small whining noise starting to come from his chest, you decide it's best to take your leave.



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    Knocked Out


    One too many hits by the minions and security bots. As your head spins, the lights fades from your view and you wonder what you did wrong. What would have happened if you chose a different item from Ed or responded differently to the tech...



    Game Action:



    If you are in the Cargo Bay read below. Otherwise, game over.





    A laser shot hits you in the shoulder. Knocked off balance you spin downward. As you fall, you hit your head. Suddenly, you feel a calmness come over you, even a happiness. You see a large green two fingered hand grab you by your jacket and drag you behind a corner. ‘Oh, it’s Ed. He’s a nice guy, so helpful.' “Hey Ed!” you say smiling up at him.


    As your heavy eyelids close you see Ed working to take out the security.


    Go to Escape Pod Reached.



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    Escape Pod Reached


    As you look up you see Ed at the controls. Two hands on the controls, two hands on the arm rests. A planet starts to fill the cockpit view. "Ah, you're up from your nap."


    "What did I miss?"


    "We're on course for our meet up on the second moon." As you sit down next to him he puts one of his hands on your shoulder. "You know this brings you to 'hero' status? It's not everyday you get to save billions of lives."

    "Well, no one will ever know."

    "I wouldn't be so sure. The resistance knows. Word travels fast in our network."

    "You know who else knows, Eradikus. I took him down hard, but just far enough so I could get away. I'm sure he'll be looking out for me next time."

    As you look out into space, you think to yourself that there is yet another who knows. Yourself, the one from the force field. He was from an alternate universe where you made different choices! What path of life did he choose to live?

    Ed breaks the silence, "Maybe afterwards I'll get to stop in and see my family... thanks to you! You're welcome to come for dinner."

    "Oh, I could go for a spicy Islarian noodle dish right about now."


    Ed turns and looks you in the eye, "You know that dish isn't made with noodles, right?"


    Game Action:

    Count up and submit your score and choices made.